Completed clinical trials
Novo Nordisk is committed to sharing information about clinical studies.
Novo Nordisk is committed to sharing information about all clinical studies and their results.
Information and results are shared
Access to anonymized clinical study datasets
Novo Nordisk A/S supports secondary use of data from Novo Nordisk
Sponsored clinical studies for conducting further legitimate scientifi
c research as set out in the joint EFPIA-PhRMA Principles for
Responsible Clinical Trial Data Sharing.
If you are a
researcher, you can request access to anonymized patient level data
and study protocols from studies which have been completed after 2001,
if product indications have obtained marketing authorization in both
the EU and US.
You can as data requestor submit a scientifi c research proposal to
document the legitimacy of your research project and the qualifi
cations of your research team.
Access to individual study
participant level data can be considered if the data can be
sufficiently anonymized to protect personal identifi able information,
safeguarding study participants’ privacy, if patients’ informed
consent which was given in relation to their participation in the
clinical study, can be respected.
Novo Nordisk A/S
current data sharing platform will be decommissioned by the end of
2024, and we are investigating alternative data sharing methods on
high priority. More information about this will be disclosed on this
website when we have news to share. If you need further information,
please contact us using our mailbox irb-secretariat@novonordisk.com.
Novo Nordisk is committed to sharing information about clinical studies.